CMDA, a place where the joy of dance and the magic of learning come together. As parents, we understand the importance of finding the perfect dance school for your child, and we're excited to share what makes our dance community special.

At CMDA, we go beyond teaching dance steps; we nurture a love for movement, creativity, and self-expression. Our dedicated team of instructors is committed to providing a positive and encouraging environment where your child can thrive. We believe in the power of dance to not only enhance physical skills but also foster confidence, discipline, and a sense of belonging.

What sets us apart:

  1. Passionate Instructors: Our experienced instructors are not just teachers; they are mentors who inspire and guide your child's dance journey with care and expertise.

  2. Parent Involvement: We value your involvement and believe in building a strong partnership between parents, students, and teachers to create a supportive dance community.

  3. Inclusive Environment: At CMDA, everyone is welcomed and celebrated for their unique qualities. We believe in fostering friendships and a sense of belonging among our dancers.

Join us at CMDA and let the magic of dance unfold in your child's life.

We're more than a dance school; we're a vibrant community that celebrates each dancer's unique journey.

As a parent, you'll witness not only the growth of your child's dance skills but also their newfound confidence and joy. Our doors are open to dancers of all ages and abilities, and we can't wait to welcome your family into our dance community. Enroll today, and let's dance towards a world of creativity, friendship, and endless possibilities!

Meet the team

Cathy Brown ARAD


Bianca Bailey

Jazz / Hip Hop / Ballet / Contemporary / Lyrical / Comp Coach.

Anayla Schipp

Jazz / Hip Hop / Ballet / Contemporary / Lyrical / Comp Coach / Tap / Acro / Cheer.

Koko Lemke

Lyrical / Contemporary / Jazz / Comp Coach

Karina Russel

RAD Classical Ballet / Musical Theatre / Tap / Acrobatics / Cheer / Theatre Jazz

Alice Newell ARAD

RAD Classical Ballet / Exam Coach / Pointe

Samantha Goldsmith

Acro Skills / Acro Partner/Lifts

Acro Coach / Hip Hop

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